Presentation mode
Sudarshan MG
While creating videos, more often than not I find myself using It would be really great, if there's a different view available for presenting the file (like zen mode in VS code). Even adding a simple full-screen mode would be helpful.
Ehsan @ Eraser
Great to hear that Sudarshan MG. I have had a similar idea.
What do you think of this conceptual mockup showing what this mode might look like?
Sudarshan MG
Ehsan @ Eraser: This looks accurate! One more thing that can be added is the freedom to edit the page even in this mode (like a blackboard). This is helpful if you are trying to demonstrate something to the audience. You do not want all the the "extras" covering the page, instead a simple and plain canvas with tools. The below is just a screenshot where the top bar is removed, it looks more presentable and less cluttered than before. Thanks for considering.
Ehsan @ Eraser
Sudarshan MG: Thanks for sharing a mockup! Great to see your version. In my mind, you could still use all of the tools so long as you know their keyboard shortcuts (even if the toolbar is not shown).
My question for your version, would the bottom property bar appear when you selected objects on the canvas, or no?